What I see

What I see

Bearing witness through photography

Édition en langue anglaise

    • Photographies : Guillaume Binet
For 40 years, Action Against Hunger has been putting human beings at the centre of its activity. The charity fights to restore the capacity of suffering people to manage their own lives with a sense of dignity and autonomy.
To embody that ambition, Action Against Hunger organised photography workshops in four countries where the charity operates, and invited the people it supports to tell their stories in pictures. With expert input from photojournalist Guillaume Binet, they were able to reveal their own reality—express their anger and joy, their fears and their hopes.
Photography at the service of people in need, putting them at the centre. Giving them a real chance to say “what I see”.
  • 216 pages - 233 x 257 mm
  • Couleur - Broché
  • EAN : 9782746753785
  • ISBN : 9782746753785

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